I was lucky. The local Christian store i went to, Inspiration House, was ran by a metalhead, so he supplied a lot of good stuff. Even some less mainstream stuff, once in a while. Then, years later, they built a second store, and he transferred, so i did too, haha. He quit a bit later, but then my buddy, that i had once been in a band with, took over and kept it going. He left too, and the next person was more conservative. =P
Then in CA, the store i went to there was ran by a guy who was a bit of a metalhead. But years later, he changed positions in the store, and they handed it over to some old lady. So you know how that went. =P =P
I went to a Christian book store the other day, down the street from my doctor. They had some crazy old stuff. Not a lot, just some random 90's stuff. Like Amy Wolter. 0.o It was all in the 'bargain' area, haha.