This war has definitely shown to manifest dire negative repercussions for the West. I'm in the West.
Therefore I want this war to end......before things get worse. Speaking purely selfishly.
This war was bound for disaster to begin with.
Military stockpiles are depleting. Escalation and sabre-rattling is ongoing. Iran-China-Russia axis powers aggregating allies.
This does not bode well.
I've thought about what you've said here,
But Really this is what drives the war on, and puts people into a position to chooses sides.
Another Propaganda,
For me if the war escalates the way your for seeing it here, then poverty will only get worse, with no end to poverty for many people around the world for a long time to come, Satan will have an open door in people's lives.
And as we know poverty is the key tool for people succumbing to making decisions.
Sometimes not the best decisions people make either.
If the war does go this way then for me it was intended for what rules this world.
I feal the leaders know it and our encouraging it,
Why because poverty can force people to follow Satan unknowingly, they make the wrong choice.
Satan's Main objective here is to go unnoticed whilst gullible people unknowingly worship the beast.
Oh and all join in with the bloodshed. Not to mention the fear and poverty brings, where by people out of fear are ruled, broken and make wrong choices.
Or fear rules there life everyday with worry,