If a bunch of Uyghurs, claiming to flee persecution from China, settled in your state, declared independence, and threw out you and your family from your state (or mistreated you), what would you have to say?
But I know what Bible you're reading, the "Bible" of a drunkard and adulterer who abandoned his family, fornicated with a mistress and illicitly married another woman.
Didn't he say "My kingdom is not of this world"?
Do you refer to Deuteronomy 32:10? From what I can read, it only lists an historical event.
This blessing is applied to Jewish and Gentile believers, not Jews as a nation
The Call of Abram
(Genesis 26:1–5; Acts 7:1–8)
1Then the LORD said to Abram, “Leave your country, your kindred, and your father’s household, and go to the land I will show you.a
2I will make you into a great nation,
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
so that you will be a blessing.
3I will bless those who bless you
and curse those who curse you;
and all the families of the earth
will be blessed through you.b”
God made an everlasting covenant with Abram, the land Israel, is part of it. Romans 11 is speaking to Jews, not Gentiles. Gentiles have been grafted in.
What about Gaza?
I don't get this. Please clarify.
And I don't know how to reconcile this with Deuteronomy 28:58-63
Welp, banned, wish I had seen that before I answered. Hope our little friend reads it either way.
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