I agree, there are many hierarchies that are working cohesively together, however there is one that is the Great Whore, and that is the R.C.C./Vatican; The rest are her harlots, such as the Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, Christodelphians, Christian Science, Church of Scientology, Masonic Lodges, Illuminati Lodges, and many, many more, not excluding Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. Then there are also her merchants which consist of the powerful Corporations from Hollywood, Music, Movies, Video Games, Computer, Sports, Social Media, News Media, and so forth. To consider a couple of examples of the roles of her merchants; just think of the mixed "diversity" (religions/cultures) that comprise their employees, as well as their protests against various states as had been done per the issue of the "Bathroom Bill", etc. There are many other real time examples, but this is to help give an overall view.