Blue State Blues: Standing on the Precipice of Socialist Revolution
And yet here we are, with the Senate about to pass a massive $3.5 trillion spending bill,
sponsored by Sanders himself.
The bill will radically change the structure of the U.S. and the relationship between citizen and state.
proposes a “path to citizenship” for some illegal aliens. It will expand Medicare, in danger of going
broke by 2024, to include younger people, and new services. It offers “free” pre-K child care and two years of community college. It will make permanent a monthly $300 child tax credit during the pandemic. It will
push the U.S. to use 80% of its energy from “clean” sources by 2030.
And that is just the beginning.
Sanders proposes to pay for all of that by raising taxes on the wealthy — those who, Biden tells us, have failed to pay their “fair share.” Yet it will reduce taxes for wealthy property owners in Democrat-run states by easing the $10,000 limit on the state and local taxation (SALT) deduction.
And the burden of many of these changes, such as higher energy prices, will fall directly on the middle-class households that Biden and Sanders claim they are helping.
These are not incremental reforms. If passed, the $3.5 trillion spending bill will move the U.S. toward socialism — for good, since government benefits, once begun, are nearly impossible to end.