Riddle yourself this during times of an INFORMATION WARFARE between Good and Evil:
1) Are we inclined to believe the FEDS at this point? As we have many indications that their Puppet Strings are pulled by the DS...
2) Is it possible that the Feds are attempting to SPIN the White Hat Patriot Projections - suggesting that the DS is no longer able to control the narrative and are likely to attempt to shut down the US Power Grid to prevent the WHITE HATS from revealing the TRUTH to the PEOPLE...
The White Hats have warned us of the DS's last moves as 'False Flag' events...
3) or do we consider the Chatter amongst White Hats that regardless of who shuts down the Power-Grid - that the PATRIOTS are Prepared with a Backup Plan to spread the TRUTH to the PEOPLE...
Report says feds have uncovered “credible, specific plans” to attack US power grid
T. Grant Benson - January 25, 2022
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