What is the military waiting for? You have the evidence of treason. You have the evidence that the Biden is a crook, lied to the Americans, is compromised by a foreign power. You have the evidence of enemies of the state in the intelligence community and in the Main Stream Media.
Arrest them and let's have a tribunal.
Yes, I am hearing a couple/few different responses to this line of inquiry from varying Patriot sources...
Some chatter seems more viable at this stage, while not being completely dismissive of some of the more remarkable chatter that we just have yet to see the evidence to substantiate said claims... but still unable to refute...
IMHO here are a few of the types of explanations that I am hearing:
Viable: This remains a Information Warfare Phase of Operations where OPTICS continue to play a significant role...
When I hear this reference to OPTICS - it is commonly presented to suggest that the Plan remains to continue to Expose the DS to the FULL extent possible as a means to adhere to the RULE of LAW...
- ie the Plan remains to stick to the infamous Napoleon Quote: "Never Interfere with an Enemy who is in the Process of Destroying Itself."
- Which suggests that as the White Hats continue to EXPOSE all of the DS LIES - they will be PUSHED to a POINT of COMPLETE EXPOSURE beyond anyone's doubt that they DS are the ONES WHO HAVE BEEN pulling all the CORRUPTION PUPPET STRINGS across the Whole of Government, Political-Economic and Corporate World Powers...
- The PLAN is to EXPOSED the CORRUPTION and EVIL embedded within the ENTIRE SYSTEM of SHADOW Govt and Corporate Control...
- The other concern for OPTICS is to also ensure that the White Hats - Especially Trump and or MAGA are perceived as INFLUENCING the ARMED MILITARY Counter Insurgency Force... - there are still people on the LEFT (and Right) who are still waking up to the VAST Corruption within the DS System - too many people would be confused...
- When I first learned how the DS had to entrench Operatives down to the Tactical Level to pull off their Election Steals - I have come to Imagine how deep their Corruption Goes within their Pedo Ring and Human Trafficking Ring - the part that was hard for me to fathom early on - are the SHEER NUMBERS of PEOPLE who walk and live amongst us who have all been serving the DS DEVIL all these years and have kept their SECRETS so close hold for sooo long...
- The Strategic Goal - is to enable adherence to the LAW of WAR in such a way as to minimize the potential for Civil War, Civil Uprising, Civil Conflict and Casualties of such type of Transition toward military...
- Where I remain to see the role of the White Hats evidence to serve the long arm of justice for all the DS Operatives - which will likely take time - for all such Nuremberg type Trials...
- I do see a role for the Military - similar to Brazil - as a PEACE KEEPING FORCE... where the Continuity of Government seeds would suggest that they similar to the Brazilian military are and will be on the side of the PEOPLE...
Additional Chatter - Not Yet Verifiable:
- Some Patriots suggest that the Military will maintain the Continuity of Government as in CONTROL during the interim period to transition from this ILLIGITIMATE GOVERNMENT into a NEW ELECTION - DO OVER that is intended to be completely OPEN and TRANSPARENT with same day Paper Ballets...
Additional Chatter - that is a bit more remarkable - unverifiable but don't know enough to disprove:
- Some Patriots have been tracking Aircraft going to and from GITMO (Guantanamo Bay); where there is areal photos and ground level photos of larger Encampments...
- Increased traffic suggest not just the development of larger sized Prisons/Camps but some suggest that DS Operatives have already been arrested and taken to GITMO...
- Some further speculate that some DS Left Operatives such as HRC & JB have already been arrested and that DOUBLES have been role playing them as the rest of this MOVIE Played out...
- while this topic is a lot more debatable - there are lots of photos and videos floating around to suggest that the Current JB/HRC have several physical differences to suggest that a double may be viable...
IMHO - I believe the DS has mastered this "Deep Fake" technological capability and from what I have learned about the White Hats over this past several years - it would appear that the White Hats have picked up a few Covert Operations of their own to learn to beat the DS at their own game in this epic Chess Battle of Irregular and Information Warfare...
BOTTOMLINE: We've been told - "Help is on the Way... Very Soon!"