Ball-Earthers go on to claim the reason that both sun and moon can be seen at the same time is atmospheric diffraction, but there's no proof of this claim
it would be more accurate for you to say, there is abundant and easily observed evidence for this, but that you reject it all because it conflicts with the lie you cling to.

sit where there is an unobstructed view of the horizon. carefully watch either the sun or the moon on an equinox, and at its zenith, where refraction shouldn't change its apparent location, start a clock. you should have 6 hours before the sun ((or moon)) disappears as it sets. you will find you have about 6 extra minutes. you get this extra time every day, but it will be easier for you to do the math on an equinox.
this reveals the mercy of God, in fact.
because of the substance of what the light is transmitted to you through, you receive light longer than you 'deserve'
Jesus Christ is the light of the world, and He reveals Himself to us with more grace than we warrant.
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