So how far away is our Sun?
93,000,000 miles? 9,300,000 miles? 9,300 miles? 93 miles?
How big then is our Sun? - tennis ball size? - beach ball size? - a mile wide?
Thus Galileo amd Copernicus and all of astronomy is wrong and the whole solar system revolves around our Earth.
How come the other observable planets are not conical with dome firmaments?
So how far away is our Sun?
93,000,000 miles? 9,300,000 miles? 9,300 miles? 93 miles?
How big then is our Sun? - tennis ball size? - beach ball size? - a mile wide?
Thus Galileo amd Copernicus and all of astronomy is wrong and the whole solar system revolves around our Earth.
How come the other observable planets are not conical with dome firmaments?
For example, somebody thinks they're being clever by using the Bible to calculate the age of the Earth.
The answer they get is about 6,000 years, give or take.
This is blatantly untrue, including for the reasons given in my previous posts above.
Other examples include 'calculating' that 144,000 people will be granted access to heaven, or 'calculating' when Jesus will return.
But for some people these 'little extras' become part of their faith to the point that additional stories are made to back them up...
...Satan planted fossils and other physical evidence to fool us, for example.
The Bible teaches us to, basically, keep our wits about us.
So why is it that for the most devout fundamentalists, there is no limit to what they'll accept as true?
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