You know that's interesting because I came across a blog by a man who said that the Torah is important because of Christ's Words: "Think not that I came to abolish the law but to fulfill it." So I appreciate you sharing that. I always try to tuck away little bits of wisdom I pick up from others. I'm in a shifting time in my walk with God. I had such an overwhelming sense of Him yesterday and then I recalled the verse: "...and you hath he quickened..." it's like a 'quickening' in the spirit. Something within reaches out to God. I immediately had a longing to read the Bible and had an overwhelming sense of being in the presence of holiness. I only get these foretastes but it's really beautiful.
Religious jungle is a good way of putting it. I don't know why God allowed my husband and I to wander in the wilderness - we hit a number of those land mines. But God must have a reason for it. Through many mistakes I now know a good teacher when I hear it and am sickened by the false. I still have more to learn.
Thanks for hollering from the choir loft
Religious jungle is a good way of putting it. I don't know why God allowed my husband and I to wander in the wilderness - we hit a number of those land mines. But God must have a reason for it. Through many mistakes I now know a good teacher when I hear it and am sickened by the false. I still have more to learn.
Thanks for hollering from the choir loft
I'm not altogether sure that either God or the devil sends these things our way. We have a great propensity to get into trouble all by ourselves. My two year old granddaughter is a good example. Strange how we can be reminded of things by the young.
The post-protestant church has abandoned the LAW and all its benefits and good teaching. Instead it has embraced all manner of debauchery. But the LAW works together with GRACE unto salvation. No one can be saved apart from the LAW.
I think of this pairing like a bathroom mirror and sink.
One cannot know one's face is dirty unless one looks into a mirror. The LAW of Moses is like God's mirror of sin, for we would not know our own sin unless we look into God's LAW. But the bathroom mirror cannot clean our dirty faces. We need soap and water. Likewise GRACE provides that cleanliness we need to be approved by God. Once clean we try to move through the world and keep clean. We walk according to the LAW with the help of GRACE, neither of which we can concoct on our own. We are wholly dependent upon God to provide what we need to be justified in His kingdom.
The Jewish festival of Shavout is a celebration of God's giving the LAW to Moses. In the book of Acts, God gives the Holy Spirit to the disciples of Jesus as a sign of GRACE given unto them. It is no coincidence that BOTH Pentecost & Shavout fall on the same calendar day.
LAW and GRACE work together unto righteousness for those who are blessed in knowing God. The LAW is NOT abolished as many say. It is fulfilled in Christ Jesus. Until and unless one knows and understands the LAW fully, one cannot begin to comprehend and stand in awe of what God has done for us in the LAW provided by GRACE.
that's me, hollering from the choir loft...