Not at all. If man really had landed on the moon, I'd be all for publishing it. Especially if that man were myself. Just because some people or most people believe what they want to believe doesn't mean that all of us do. If I believed what I wanted to believe, I would believe the world is a happy place where everybody - especially governments - tell the truth. But I know this is simply not true - believing the truth makes life more difficult.
For starters, shills wouldn't get the threads I post in closed down 'cause too much truth is getting out, or accuse me of "slandering" "fellow born-again Christians" because they sadly can't explain the lies and inconsistencies associated with their preposterous claims.
For starters, shills wouldn't get the threads I post in closed down 'cause too much truth is getting out, or accuse me of "slandering" "fellow born-again Christians" because they sadly can't explain the lies and inconsistencies associated with their preposterous claims.
But I decide to give the "deniers" an honest hearing. As more and more proof and supporting extraneous proof, like the Freemason stuff, became available to consider, I have now reached the point where I would bet my life that we didn't go.
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