I am noticing that a lot of new age has crept into the church
Absolutely. In fact, while I said I would never write another book, I actually have one in the works on this very subject. An entire section is devoted to the New Age infiltration (literal doctrines of demons), but I am also addressing other false teachings I've encountered and "woke"/social justice/seeker-sensitive churches. My ministry has always been countering cult doctrines, but I have now found it necessary to confront falsehood within what would otherwise be regarded as mainstream Christianity. This is absolutely a sign of the end times. Deception is rampant and discernment is more and more scarce by the day.
Absolutely. In fact, while I said I would never write another book, I actually have one in the works on this very subject. An entire section is devoted to the New Age infiltration (literal doctrines of demons), but I am also addressing other false teachings I've encountered and "woke"/social justice/seeker-sensitive churches. My ministry has always been countering cult doctrines, but I have now found it necessary to confront falsehood within what would otherwise be regarded as mainstream Christianity. This is absolutely a sign of the end times. Deception is rampant and discernment is more and more scarce by the day.
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