You have completely-and-totally destroyed any-and-all 'respect' that I may have had for you up until now.
I do not hate him. I am not holding a grudge. From a "sin against me" perspective, he is forgiven (because my Lord says I should be like that).
Nonetheless, the 'practical' issue still exists. And, I feel that some action on my part is required to "take a stance" against the kind of reprehensible behavior he exhibited earlier in this thread.
I am quite unhappy with the fact that I allowed myself to "violate" this intent with posts #294, #295, and #298 (because "presence of mind" failed me
Since I recently realized that I had let this happen, I have been "in debate" about how to continue from this point in time. (The 6-month mark is May 24, 2023.)
The quoted statement above still holds true.
How he responds to this post will no-doubt have a "large" effect on this issue - positive or negative.
Needless to say - a bona fide heart-felt apology from him for his reprehensible behavior earlier in the thread might be worth a lot. And, it would be worth a whole lot more if he actually made good-and-proper use of the phrase "my reprehensible behavior" in that apology.
Please, don't anyone preach to me about "forgive and forget" - believe-it-or-not, that is an 'automatic' part of my daily life - it is my "normal tendency" to "forget offenses" not-very-long after the offense is realized. In fact, it is the reason I let myself "violate" my original decision regarding the 6 months. But, as I said, there still exists what I consider to be a 'practical' issue to be dealt with.
A large part of the reason for this post is to simply explain why I have "gone quiet" as of late with regard to posthuman. I absolutely refuse to let him manipulate me - I don't have that much available time to be spent answering his every whim. And, I refuse to let people do me that way. I have better things to do with my time. And, as time goes on, I believe I will be spending less and less time on CC. So, I have to make what time I do spend count for something better than just getting caught up in the 'crap' that other people like to see if they can throw at you and put on you.
We'll see how it goes...
Discuss the conundrums. There is a whole lot more worth in that.
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