Oh, I'm so sorry I had to remind you that God is not the great granddaddy in the sky.
I'm sorry I had to remind you of the God that sent a flood throughout the world and spared only Noah because he was righteous in a wicked and violent world.
I'm sorry I had to remind you of God sending ten horrific plagues to Egypt, just because the poor Pharaoh wouldn't let them go.
I'm sorry I had to remind you of God hurting Pharaoh's poor widdle feewings by taking away his firstborn son. You know, as a way to say, "You took away my firstborn sons, now I'm going to take away yours."
I'm sorry I had to remind you of the God who commanded all of the righteous Israelites to kill those who participated in building the golden calf.
I'm sorry I had to remind you of the God who called for Achan's death. You know, Achan, the guy who took something from a city the Israelites plundered even though God told them not to?
I'm sorry I had to remind you of all the wicked and evil nations God commanded the Israelites to put to the sword. And deemed King Saul unrighteous because he wouldn't carry out this punishment against the child-sacrificing Amalekites.
I'm sorry I had to remind you of God judging the Israelites, his own chosen people, his wife according to the Old Testament (Does that sound familiar?), what with their silly violent ritual sacrificing of babies, and temple orgies, and treating widows and orphans and slaves like trash, and whoring around with idolatrous nations. And God had the audacity to send the prophets to them to scold them. Not just that, but he sent those evil Assyrians to plunder and enslave them, to burn their beloved Jerusalem to the ground, all because that tyrannical God simply wouldn't let Israel be happy and do whatever she wanted.
I'm sorry I had to remind you of Jesus calling the Pharisees all sorts of awful names because they were hypocrites of the worst kind, and they were not much different from a lot of Catholic Priests throughout history.
I'm sorry I had to remind you of Jesus flipping over the poor money lenders' tables and taking a whip to them (what we now call assault and battery) daring to get angry at them for extorting people in God's name (Again, not unlike the Catholic Church throughout history).
I'm sorry I had to remind you of God setting up this ridiculous trial when he returns called Judgment Day, where he tosses all evildoers and irredeemable killmongers and people who get joy out of causing horrific pain in the pit of hellfire and doom with Satan, all because those poor people's names weren't written in the Book of Life.

No, I'm not sorry. I believe in a God who is every bit as just as he is merciful.
I believe in a God who will give everyone their just due when he returns.
I believe in a God who is repulsed by and burning in his wrath against such vile child rapists who get great fun out of doing it.
I believe in a God who got furious when the Catholic Church declared a pointless series of Holy Wars, tortured Jews and Muslims, and steeped themselves in misogyny in the form of witch hunts (burning even pregnant women and their babies).
I believe in a God who got furious at Protestants who encouraged and endorsed slavery, and treating people of color like garbage, and stealing their land, and preferring the institution to people by covering up child abuse, and demanding people just forgive their rapists, and telling a battered and bruised wife to stay with her abusive husband because, after all, the church and marriage are much more important than the people involved and must be protected at all costs.
I believe in a God who gets angry at sin, who gets furious at heinous, evil, Satan-inspired acts, who meant what he said when he said child abusers are better off drowned, who meant what he said when we should shun unrepentant sinners and turn them over to Satan, who meant what he said when he said violating anyone (man, woman, or child) is violating him.
I believe in a God whose anger and fury burns passionately against such sorry excuses for human beings. And I look forward to these people being shown for the monsters they are and for people to finally stare evil in the flesh. Sometimes it takes looking at sin in its ugliest, most diabolical form in order to take it seriously.