Understanding The Bigger Picture Helps Show Our Successes Better! We The People Are Stopping Them! We Have The Trump Card! - Must Video
Saturday, May 22, 2021 17:46
Many of us want this election nonesense out of the way and let’s move on. Problem is and ALWAYS has been; this is not about a 4 year election. This is about what happens once we fix the election issue. Then what? That is what this is all about. The bigger picture. A lot suggests we are doing way better than the deep state will ever admit and it showcases how scared they actually are.
Saturday, May 22, 2021 17:46

Many of us want this election nonesense out of the way and let’s move on. Problem is and ALWAYS has been; this is not about a 4 year election. This is about what happens once we fix the election issue. Then what? That is what this is all about. The bigger picture. A lot suggests we are doing way better than the deep state will ever admit and it showcases how scared they actually are.
- Have to understand the realities of the BIGGER PICTURE…
- The Art of War: Portrayal of Strength vs Weakness…
- Trump being calm, composed, and seemingly without an active role…
- War Manual… is the anticipated next Phase… wondering how that will play out…
- Counting the WINS of ACTION:
- Trump has new/own website… Platform is in place
- July 4th still a Milestone… Still a lot of inquiry as to what that will be… But anticipate HUGE BIG DEAL… The Truth will come out and the TRUTH will set us FREE
- Trump Rallies are starting in June… Has to be a REASON for the coincidental TIMING…
- Timeframe seems significant from the Bigger Picture perspective..
- Propoganda & Manipulation – two groups of people who are easy to influence – above and below average people are susceptible to manipulation… US Average folks are more immune to deceit…
- Trump’s Boeing 757 will be brought back into play… ICONIC new paint job… 😊
- DS/Left driving force for DIVIDING our Country…
- Socialism Equity is Racism… Tucker Carlson
- Intelligence Drops:
- Q (Sept 2020): Everyone has a choice to make – Against Enemies Foreign and Domestic…
- Q (Feb 2020): Crimes Against Humanity – BIGGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE…
- The silent war continues…
- The same people who control the media are the same people who control the evil and corrupt system(s)
- Why does the Media PUSH DIVISION? Why does the Media Pit Violence, Racism, Religion vs Religion, Class vs Class…
- Lots of Chatter on Rey/Ray… Good Guy or Bad Guy/..
- Phase One Targets: (Oct 2020) – Harris, Cuomo, Newsome, etc…
- Pentagon’s TOP SECRET ARMY… Hidden even from the CIA…
- Things that People Say that are going to come back to BITE THEM IN the ARSE…
- 2017 Computer Science Professor Testimony upon ELECTION VOTING MACHINE VULNERABILITIES…
- Quote K. Harris TAPED comments concedes 2017 Voting Machine vulnerabilities
- Monkey Werx: picks up Air Traffic in Phoenix area… PC12 Spy Plane was active in Maricopa County during AUDIT and NO PC12 up when Audit is not running…
- NH Audit confirms Voting Machines Results are not reliable…
- Gen Flynn: We Audit everything – Audits are Good!
- Theories: Biden/CIA involved in Colonial Pipeline Shenanigan Hacks… Smells Fishy…