That would work... or "Memory".
I've sung Memory, but we weren't able to get a video :/ sorry.
Yeah, it was terrible. You know... seussical wasn't bad either. And wicked was pretty good. But Cats and Rent... yuck.
I'm going to be playing Elphaba in Wicked sometime really soon
I'm going to try like nothing else to get a video of that
And I'll show you guys that when I get it. I just barely got that one on YouTube, my mom's been kinda slow.
wow, you can sing!! i like your voice, i wish i could sing like that..
are there more songers here?
Thank you. I'm a little bit better now... that was when I was 16 and just barely getting real voice lessons, I'm older now, and my voice teacher says I'm tons better now.
Can't wait to play in Wicked
I'm excited for that, but I'm not sure when we're doing it.