A man with no eyes had a sick wife.
He payed some men and woman to care for her as long as she needed it untill she had healed.
They wanted to keep their money and there4 job and one day she sat up for the first time in bed.This worried them.She smiled.
Now they would be without work, she was getting better and they only were to be payed untill she was better.
They came up with a plan to "keep her in place" which consitsed of slowly poisoning her and keeping her "down".
They had no care for her.
She hurt.
they did not care.
They had worked for months now receiving lots of money.
They fooled the man also they thought by saying they buy food for her but using money for other things and giving her their leftovers instead.
They figured out many clever ways.
All but to care and heal.
A new man started one day.
He smiled at her and whispered gentle words and she rose in her seat once again and smiled.
Her face lit up.
A sight not seen for a very long time; her smiling.
He cared for her truly.
he did not pretend to care to get money or to look good or be false.
The Master of the house came and he smiled as he knew his wife well.
He felt her soul and felt her smile and felt her gentle spirit was better and healed.
He payed the man for a years wages.
The others complained......"we worked for months and he gets more than us"
The man with no eyes said; "I may not have eyes but I still see"
Sometimes you are tested...
You think God does not see into your souls.
You think God was fooled at how clever you were?
For this man cared for my wife and healed her.
he did not pretend to care to look good, get power or trust from me or get money and keep job
He truly cared
You had no care for her.
Not one of you.
She was in pain and what did you do?
You gave her more pain.
Oh, be fooled not.
I may not have eyes.......... but I see clearly