lol ty...just so you know I'm the ultimate Jedi Ninja!!!!! Oh, and my team wins they now ????
what is the prize...the "crown of thorns"
is Jesus in that intergalatical equation ???
as God and Redemptor of humanity..
or is it just some jedi..thinking hes all that and a bag of chips?
I'll stick with Jesus thankyou very much..
no disrespect to any living forms that may not be human of origin...
I am for one am a I'll stick with the God of humanity..
(how Lucifer loves to play tricks on the human take away the focus of our redemption...from Jesus..anything..)
even aliens say excerpts from "The Wall of Light"
written by Nikola Tesla..and his supposed son Arthur Matthews
(hopefully got his son's name right..the title of the book is correct..this I know to be true)