Hey, I heard that every single local gas station in yourses alls areas is giving away 1 million dollars for people on this exact thread right now, its apparently for anyone and everyone who goes and gets it in the next hour, and they've checked each persons name and location, geographically, so as to have that million ready for each and every ones ov ya'll's. So ya'll go off now ya hear? and grab yoz'self some of dem goodies....ya'll don't need to worry yourselves none, I BB stayed back and protect all this do-dad gimmitry stuff'ins you whipper snappers call a thread forum giggly thing-a-miggger. I'll just sit right here, in this dark quiet corner and NOT WIN THIS GAME! ....No way no hows, No sir'ree Bob!! Not me!....I swears on my pet possum road kill!