This is true - everyone has a choice... Hey the current Bachelor was a college & professional football player and is still a virgin...
Turns out in addition to how the male brain is wired (mental frequency of sex thoughts) there is also a physiological aspect as well (see below)...
Here is a study that debunked the old myth that men think about sex every 8 seconds, but it maintains that men do still think about sex more frequently than women...
So while on a case by case basis both sexes might have the same equitable choice to resist each individual sexual opportunity; but I guess the rationale could be made that men may have the added burden of having to say no to their more frequent occurrences of temptation that tend to crop up in their brains...
How Often Do Men and Women Think about Sex?
"We found that the median number of sexual thoughts for men was 18.6 and for women it was 9.9. In contrast, the average for men was 34.2 and for women it was 18.6. Statistical tests indicated that the number of thoughts about sex was not statistically larger than the number of thoughts about food and sleep. Men had more thoughts about all three of those areas than did women. These findings paint a rather different picture of men than does the urban legend of thinking about sex many times per minute. The typical men in this sample were thinking about sex once or twice an hour, and statistically no more and no less than they were thinking about eating or sleeping."
Why is sexual temptation a bigger problem for men than for women?
Physiologically, men typically have a much stronger sex drive than women. Men naturally think about sex more often and desire sex more frequently than women do. Especially when sexual intercourse has not occurred recently, the male body has a greater desire for the release that sex provides. This is then compounded by the fact that men are far more easily stimulated by sight than women are. Simply the sight of an attractive female is sometimes enough to trigger a male’s sex drive. If a sexual thought is not immediately forsaken (with God’s help), it can become a cascading river of sexual temptation, very difficult to resist.
Turns out in addition to how the male brain is wired (mental frequency of sex thoughts) there is also a physiological aspect as well (see below)...
Here is a study that debunked the old myth that men think about sex every 8 seconds, but it maintains that men do still think about sex more frequently than women...
So while on a case by case basis both sexes might have the same equitable choice to resist each individual sexual opportunity; but I guess the rationale could be made that men may have the added burden of having to say no to their more frequent occurrences of temptation that tend to crop up in their brains...
How Often Do Men and Women Think about Sex?
"We found that the median number of sexual thoughts for men was 18.6 and for women it was 9.9. In contrast, the average for men was 34.2 and for women it was 18.6. Statistical tests indicated that the number of thoughts about sex was not statistically larger than the number of thoughts about food and sleep. Men had more thoughts about all three of those areas than did women. These findings paint a rather different picture of men than does the urban legend of thinking about sex many times per minute. The typical men in this sample were thinking about sex once or twice an hour, and statistically no more and no less than they were thinking about eating or sleeping."
Why is sexual temptation a bigger problem for men than for women?
Physiologically, men typically have a much stronger sex drive than women. Men naturally think about sex more often and desire sex more frequently than women do. Especially when sexual intercourse has not occurred recently, the male body has a greater desire for the release that sex provides. This is then compounded by the fact that men are far more easily stimulated by sight than women are. Simply the sight of an attractive female is sometimes enough to trigger a male’s sex drive. If a sexual thought is not immediately forsaken (with God’s help), it can become a cascading river of sexual temptation, very difficult to resist.
I am 58 and still... ugh... I just wish God would remove it. Take it away. Kill it. Zap it. Sexual drive is an enemy to the single Christian. It is not a blessing.
Now, some might say, "Well, that's good. It forces you to confront your own weaknesses at self-control." True, it does. But, the same thing can be said about any demonic whispering in the ear.
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