There are Christians like Dr. Michael Brown, who think that there are different kinds of sin. Some are worse then others. I have his book here called "Go And Sin No More". I read it but I'm not sure how much I agree with it. There is such at thing as understanding the whole bible within context. And I find that task, not so easy.
The thing is, and it seems like, to me anyways, that most men, even Christian men find themselves lusting after women. I think some do it in varying degrees. For example, some men might be addicted to porn while another man might not be addicted to porn but still find himself giving women looks on the street. Then there are some guys who seem to be completely delivered of this issue. If @Amanuensis , interpenetrating those scriptures correctly, in context with the whole bible, then those men, regardless if they called on the name of the lord, as it says in john 3:16. Is going to end up like these:
Matthew 7
21“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
But if the once saved always saved people are correct. Once you join the family of God, your in the family regardless of how much you sin. You just simply make your Father sad, and he will reduce your rewards, but that is basically it. I hope the once saved always saved people are right, because I'm tormented with some of those sins too. Even though I'm not actively having sex with anyone! I get lonely and sexually aroused, and I might be lusting when that happens.
The thing is, and it seems like, to me anyways, that most men, even Christian men find themselves lusting after women. I think some do it in varying degrees. For example, some men might be addicted to porn while another man might not be addicted to porn but still find himself giving women looks on the street. Then there are some guys who seem to be completely delivered of this issue. If @Amanuensis , interpenetrating those scriptures correctly, in context with the whole bible, then those men, regardless if they called on the name of the lord, as it says in john 3:16. Is going to end up like these:
Matthew 7
21“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
But if the once saved always saved people are correct. Once you join the family of God, your in the family regardless of how much you sin. You just simply make your Father sad, and he will reduce your rewards, but that is basically it. I hope the once saved always saved people are right, because I'm tormented with some of those sins too. Even though I'm not actively having sex with anyone! I get lonely and sexually aroused, and I might be lusting when that happens.
You don't want to hope that OSAS is right about folks getting to keep a lustful sin in their bosom and pet it, and still get to go to heaven but just loose some rewards. That would make God an unholy God and heaven an unholy place. Not the kind of place lovers of righteousness want to go.
Let there be a place for sin petters, but let it never be in heaven. Keep the sin caressers far from the pure, white, spotless, perfection of the presence of God and holy saints washed in the blood. These who are washed in the blood will fling off sin like the filth that it is, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. This does not mean we are perfect before the resurrection but it means we long to be and seek to always be pressing into it, not finding excuses to hold on to any sin.
Most OSAS people agree with what I am saying, those who actually understand the doctrine of eternal security agree with the pursuit of holiness and hate sin. They usually say that anyone who is indifferent about sin in their lives aren't really saved yet.
Repentance, true repentance does not seek to justify. True repentance receives Grace from God to overcome. Grace from God is not overlooking our failures and letting us wallow in them, Grace from God is a power that comes and strengthens, settles and establishes us. We can become strong in an area we were once weak in.
The process of renewing the mind does not take that long. It is amazing how quick the old habits are destroyed by the new habits of yielding to righteousness. Soon your first thought and reaction will be to be repulsed by an attractive woman wearing provocative things. Your first thought. Not your second. It is called Victory over the flesh by obedience to the Spirit. It starts out as a battle, and suffering might be involved but then it soon turns into Victory and no longer a battle, the first reaction is to be "grossed out" by what you once looked twice at.
Have faith and believe you will overcome and start quoting scriptures when tempted and in a very short time you will find that you are strong in those areas you were once weak in and you will not allow others to offer excuses.
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