Writing threads is also my way of trying to express my gratitude towards this site and the hard-working people who keep it running, so as long as God grants me ideas and the means to type them out, you can rest assured that I'll keep going.
It might just be me, but I assume sites like this run on audience participation, which is always the goal of my threads. People have often told me I should write a book or blog and it's very sweet of them to say so, but I'd rather spend my time and energy trying to spark discussions that encourage as many people as possible to participate and hopefully feel that their voice is heard.
And sometimes, even if no one answers, it's ok, because maybe that particular thread was meant to be read and not so much discussed. Either way, I'm not worried. Every thread is just practice for future threads that are still being formulated.
I write threads as part of my personal contribution to CC, and if I'm ever doing something wrong, should cut back, or change topics, I thoroughly trust and will follow whatever guidelines the site administrators choose to give me.
Until then, bombs away!