Ah yes, Sir Adstar -- I was expecting this answer, and you indeed get a gold star for following through.

Maybe what it really means is that you and I have been here too long. I'm sure a good number of people here could predict my answers, too.
I know that your answer is founded on the basis of men looking for women to have their children, thereby making good looks, health, and physical fitness important commodities, but I can assure you that part of the inspiration (and obvious disillusionment) for this thread has been the many, many times I've been approached by much, much older men (starting when I was about 14--at least that's the first time I can remember an older man making a comment to me.)
I'm pretty sure he wasn't looking for a mother to have his children (as if that would have made it any less creepy, but I digress.)
Likewise, when I was in my 30's, I was on two popular Christian dating sites for several years. One used to have chat rooms divided by decades of age (20's, 30's... 70's... etc.), even though people could move freely across the rooms regardless of age.
Without fail, you would regularly find men in their 50's, 60's, and up hanging out in the 20's and 30's room, and perhaps I'm wrongly judging here but I'm pretty sure their main focus was virility, not fertility.
In fact, I would wager that they would have been upset if the young women pursued would have become pregnant, because they were already talking about how expensive it was to pay for the ex-wives and children they already had.
And, not that it doesn't go both ways. I clearly remember one woman who was almost 50 (I think I was 35 at the time) who used to say that if she could just kick out all the younger women in the room, she's have a chance with the 30-something males she would try to talk to.
(Not that love can't work across age ranges, of course. But I'm pretty sure most people who have reached 50 or older aren't thinking about reproduction when they go after those who are 20 and 30 years younger than they are.)