This one might be specific to the South:
One aspect of being a man is, you're always pegged to ask the blessing before a family dinner. Women NEVER have to step up. It's always the man expected to thank God for the meal for the whole family.
One aspect of being a man is, you're always pegged to ask the blessing before a family dinner. Women NEVER have to step up. It's always the man expected to thank God for the meal for the whole family.
And here I thought it was because the man is suppose to be the HEAD and LEAD the family.......
I ask this question to make a point.
Don't conflate/confuse the 'headship' and 'leadership' aspects of the family responsibility that God gave to the man.
Yes - it is customary for the HEAD of the family to "ask the blessing" before a meal.
However, everyone who will partake should be making their own prayer of thanks to God.
I do not believe that the idea of one person praying "for the group" is what God has in mind.
I personally find it distracting to make my prayer of thanks to God while listening to someone else speak theirs aloud. In most situations, I would prefer if everyone just "said their own" silently --- but, I digress...
Leadership is, in part, about giving/making an/the example which others should follow.
If you do not follow the example that was set forth - you are not "obeying* the leadership that/which/who set forth the example that you were supposed to follow.
(not to mention it is after all a kind gesture of showing her thanks after the woman has spent all morning/evening preparing the meals)
Nonetheless, we should never 'cross' or 'mix' these two ideas - the appreciation a husband has for and shows to his wife for her efforts in preparing meals - and - the thanksgiving that both of them should give to God for providing it for/to them.
Neither of them has the right before God to "gloat" and have an "I did it" attitude.
The husband may have put forth the effort to earn the wage that buys the ingredients - and, the wife may have put forth the effort to prepare the meal from those ingredients - but, God gave them both the ability to do what they did.
If the wife has the attitude that she shouldn't have to pray (give thanks to God) because she prepared the meal --- oh-wow, that is so dangerous before God...
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