For the record...
Tommy has a "CC Game Face" here--just like everyone else here, including me.
But if you take the time to get to know him, you'll find a really humble guy who takes his job of serving other people for a living very seriously.
One of the reasons why Tommy and I banter so much here is because (some posters might remember) I spent several years writing and talking to inmates, and I was interested in Tommy's perspectives as someone who has worked in law enforcement for many years.
One of the guys I used to write, in my lowly opinion (just from things I was learning in graduate school at one time), had all the makings of a serial killer, and he was only 27. Tommy was kind enough to spend several hours answering my own half-baked analyses and sharing what he thought and has experienced throughout his career.
There was another CC member a long time ago (who isn't here anymore) who had also worked in a field that might have provided valuable insight, but when I wrote this member, they never responded.
Tommy was cool enough to take the time to answer my many questions and give me some insight into what "the other side" (law enforcement vs. the person who committed the crime) sees and goes through.
The fact that he has an awesome sense of humor and is the first one to go along with a joke (we felt like we were writing our own reality show yesterday, lol) just adds to what a great guy he is.
The reason I tend to joke with or pick on the same people over and over again is because I take notice of the people who not only hand out the jokes, but are more than willing to take it themselves when others poke fun at them. I am always looking for cool people here to banter with and once I find them, I keep going back to them because they don't get offended (and if we do offend each other, we work it out.)
However, I've also gotten used to the fact that if a person I'm joking with happens to be a guy... Everyone and their mother (or mother-in-law... sorry, Auntie Aunt... I love you!!!

) is going to think I'm dating him.
After all, wasn't it just a month or so ago that the forum decided I must be dating Lynx?