Being the glutton for punishment that I am, I figured that I would quickly share a thought here that just popped into my mind.
When it comes to men, women, and the potential for marriage, why doesn't everybody just follow the example that Jesus gave us in relation to the same?
I mean, he, as the man in this potential marital or bridegroom/bride scenario, made an open display of his affection for his potential mate, or he made what we might call "a grand gesture," when he laid his life down for us.
We, as the she, or as the potential bride in this marital relationship, have all been given the option to either respond favorably or negatively to such an outward display of love and affection.
Why can't it simply be the same with men and women today?
In other words, why can't a man simply make it known to a woman that he is interested in her, and why can't the woman, in return, simply respond either favorably or unfavorably to the man?
What I am basically trying to say is that I have never understood the need for all of the game playing, mixed messages, reverse psychology, hiding of one's true feelings, etc., etc., etc.
Again, as I asked here initially, whatever happened to "Honesty is the best policy?"
Anyhow, I am not looking for anybody, and I can assure you that nobody is looking for me either, so I have no horse in this race. My horse died of malnutrition (lack of interest) a long time ago.