The newly slimmed down guinea pigs possums held on to Baroness Barry as she was strapping them into the plane.
My possums we are going to make a fabulous entrance!
The possums trusted Baroness Barry competely, so if she wanted to go skydiving they would go skydiving with her, they supposed. They were part of her entourage now
Say gidday to your pilot.
The pilot turned around and gave a green lipped smile.
Miss Greenlips Hine! what was she doing flying their plane?! But then she was so clever she could do anything, even ordering rainbows and mackeral clouds whenever she wanted.
Are we going back to Lanolinland? wondered the possums.
Miss Greenlips Hine strapped on her aviator ray bans.
Hold on tight it might be a bumpy ride!
My possums we are going to make a fabulous entrance!
The possums trusted Baroness Barry competely, so if she wanted to go skydiving they would go skydiving with her, they supposed. They were part of her entourage now
Say gidday to your pilot.
The pilot turned around and gave a green lipped smile.
Miss Greenlips Hine! what was she doing flying their plane?! But then she was so clever she could do anything, even ordering rainbows and mackeral clouds whenever she wanted.
Are we going back to Lanolinland? wondered the possums.
Miss Greenlips Hine strapped on her aviator ray bans.
Hold on tight it might be a bumpy ride!
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