Jennymaesia has with concern observed the tensions between the neighboring countries. The Empress has decided to put an end to all the striving and trials. From this moment on every neighboring country are declared Jennymaesian. 😂
It seems a laboratory of sorts has been in operation by Rubylander nationalists - in breach of both international law and longstanding Mosestarian statutes that the breakaway nation of Rubyland has refused to acknowledge, since its emboldenment with recent election fraud. Within the laboratory were discovered human and animal subjects, and a lipstick weapon so potent as to cause hideous and debilitating effects in those whose lips may so unfortunately be exposed. It is feared that missiles charged with the toxic substance are to be launched into Jennymaesia as a type of "false flag" event, with blame to be placed squarely on Shittimistanian authorities, in order to incite already high tensions in the region.
A sanhedrin of Mosestarian officials has departed for Jennymaesia, to discuss a potential joint action against the rogue nation of Rubyland. It is believed that discussions may involve a proposal to divide ownership of East and West Rubyland between Mosestaria and Jennymaesia, using the great central Ruby lake as a natural border. No delegation was sent to Shittimistanian authorities due to the foul smell emanating from the nation at the time of discovery by the scout group.

Above: human test subject rescued from Rubylander nationalist lipstick-laboratory of horror. Note: this lipstick does not wash off!
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