I've been married for nine years.
I'm completely unsure how I feel about that, under the current circumstances. It's...good? Good that we decided to work on it before the divorce went through? Good for the kids? Good because we've both grown up a lot? Good for tax purposes? I don't know. There are moments when I'm happy about my decision, and moments where I'm pretty sure I've gone crazy. Except, I mean, I've already done that multiple times, so I'm not sure I have a whole lot of crazy left.
Who am I kidding? Crazy is my middle name.
...I should have a chat with my mother about that.
To celebrate nine years, we're going out this weekend...on a date. A DATE. It's weird. I mean, it seems like it will be weird. But everything else in my life right now is weirder, so...I'm equipped to handle it.
If y'all could pray for me...about this whole thing...I'd be all like Thank you, and stuff.