My revelation class teacher mentioned something called the 'Yale Covenant,' maybe, we ought to really be getting busy serving Jesus more and getting into The Word more, pun intended, afterall, He is 'into' us, lives and breathes in us. Hard to fathom that for me, as, not only does Scripture tell us we have His righteousness to credited to us when we accept Him into our heart, that means, 'change,' in so many ways, again, pun intended. we need to GIVE Him our all when we come to Him in our life, away from the world way things we were doing, and, not saying we can't be in the world, we CAN, and, we should be, Scripture says so, too, like think it's 'be in the world but not of the world.' The Lord leads. Just my thoughts at this moment, ya all
going to soCal to my great uncle's 90th birthday, it will be good to see them and all my relatives not seen in a long time from my grandmas side of the family. California is a neat place, last time I was there I gorged myself on oranges and grapefruits and lemons and lemme tell you, the lemons in Washington state are so sour and bitey and DIFFERENT than the sweet, peel-back taste of ones grown in the backyard of my great aunt and uncles place. Can't EVEN describe that taste, which, incidentally, I've not tasted for 15 years since was there last time. God is good, good to see them and other fam not seen forever in a day, so to speak

, and, good to, hopefully, too, see them lemons !! Lemme at 'em , lemme at 'em
On a sad note

, I have to take my girl to the boarder , but, I did find a nice vet border

and so I am happy about that and thankful that I will feel good about her there. She's healthy as a horse, I mean, look at her ! (in my avatar)

, she's a blessing and a half to me, and, that's a lot more than a 1 1/2 blessing by the way

, and, so, yeah, just about to drop her off there in a few hours, we're gonna play a little bit

and then go

But, yeah, that's the way it is, I miss her already and she's not even gone

I only left her with friends a couple times and that was when she was a puppy.
(I'm praying for safety too, I don't want to have a trainee flying my plane (Asiana flight crash in San Fran, for example) and, yeah, that's my prayer up to God and for you guys to pray too for and I used to have MUCH anxiety flying in planes, and, for good reason, most of the time, as, turbulence, sometimes, in those planes makes me want to just open up the side hatch and 'gerONIMO !'
I do think of the bright side though, just like now, more and more, this 'Yale Covenant' thingee is being signed on by more and more denominations and is a thing of blending truths of Islam along with Christianity, 'Chrislam' they call it, at least, that's what my Revelation teacher told me last night in class at my church.
This all just makes me think of a Crystal Lewis song , I guess, I should post it in music forum so I will, as arwenbaggins might give me a demerit or two if I post it here, she's such a rough one, that scaliwagger