From yesterday until Sunday, my days are pretty busy. This Sunday, the church my parent's helped plant and that I attend on Sunday mornings is officially launching. We've been going for about 18 months now, but we needed more people who were committed and had leadership qualities before launching to the public. Not sure if that makes sense.
I am playing the box drum while singing a song with my parents (my dad on guitar, mom on piano). I'm a bit nervous as I've never really played the box drum, and it's an off-beat with the singing, AND I just learned the song this week. It's a fantastic song, though, "Build Your Kingdom Here" by Rend Collective Experiment We are practicing today.
I invited one of my unsaved coworkers to the launch service this Sunday. She said she's been looking for a church. Not for reasons that Christians do, but hey, it's a step in the right direction!! I'm excited and am praying for her and this Sunday, that all goes well and more importantly that God is glorified through all.