I did in fact PM the person who unfriended me & asked if I did something to offend them & if so I apologize.
In other news,someone sent me a friend request. lol Perhaps out of pity? Nah...I don't think this person is like that.
I got my boxes finally from the friend who I mailed them to & mail from my old address. I unpacked my computer (which I'm giving to the friend I am currently staying with) Hoping once he hooks it up it works. UPS put quite a thrashing on the container I shipped it in,even though I packed it well. If nothing else He can salvage the 2 hard drives from it. Whatever.
I really hate climbing stairs. My friend who brought the boxes over is in pretty good shape & even he was pretty winded. He was like..."Man...these stairs!"...I said "Yeah I know,right?" lol
I need a suitcase with wheels I think,but ain't nobody got the money fo' that!

Yup...rambling again.
Jullianna's thread about flowers has me wishing for Summer...or at least the early stages of Fall. I'm getting a bit sick of Winter here. Of course I will complain once summer hits,'cause then I'll be too hot.
I'm a pain in the buns.
True Story.