I hear Heaven has awesome burritos.
How can they not be? They're heavenly
Welcome back, shobro, at least, this is the first post of yours I've seen. The Enemy was just attacking you and the guy at odds with you was understanding you a whole lot better after I'd spoke to him; 'course, we have gracey to thank, too, for PMing you things. Christ is our HOPE and we should hope in Him for ALL things of our life, you said that so well to that guy, brother
and, to pickynicky: I'm hoping I don't sound mean when I say the guy should ask the girl out. I just think it's best that way. Guys just get thoughts and things in their head (did you know, there's a study that says we think about sex every seven minutes?) and if you do the asking it can give a wrong guy the wrong idea of you saying 'no' to him in advancing 'bases,' just to say. I hope I don't say that crudely, crossly, or, out of the ordinary. The Lord leads.

And, admittedly, I think, a girl is very brave to even THINK to ask a guy out, I just don't think it's a great idea. Girls can be 'brave' in other ways to guys, like I said, giving them clues you like them until they just either like you or they don't, they will ask you out or they won't