iTOREtheSKY random & useless life updates # 8027
So...I got all my fixin's do make my awesome mac & cheese. Now after coming back from the store a while ago,I find I am no longer hungry. Going to the grocery store has the reverse effect on me I think than most people...I tend to be less hungry once I know I have food in the house. Kinda bizzare really. So yeah,anyways...I shall make my yummy bacon mac & cheese extravaganza later tonight I think.
Applied this morning for a job basically doing customer service (similar to what I do now) for a I guess gardening distribution center. They handle all sorts of seeds & stuff for all types of vegetable,flowers,etc. So I'd be on the phone all day & at a computer dealing with people's questions & taking orders for them. Best thing about the job is that it's full time & has benefits. I'm really more just concerned with the 40 hrs a week,because my main goal is to save up enough loot to get the heck outta dodge ASAP! I know,I God's timing. Now I just have to make sure (or I should say,God has to assist me in) not getting evicted from my current domicile & come up with the like gazillion $$$ in need to pay my landlord in back rent.
I truly hate this. I have never ever ever been in a situation where I've owed someone money,other than maybe like a doctor bill which as long as you give them a few bucks every month,they're happy. Thing is...I hate debt. (like who enjoy's debt,right?) It's a terrible feeling to know that you "owe" someone something & they have this "power" over you.
Only power I want over me is JESUS! *funny,as I type that..and I think..hmmm "then why do I fight Him so much?"*
lol ..well,that's an entirely different post ,now isn't it? Indeed.
Been in a very wanting to "create" something amazing mood lately too.
I really want to go out & buy some acrylic paints but I really don't have the $$$ to be wasting right now on stuff like that.
Paints are not cheap. Nor,is a decent canvass.
I so do miss when I owned my own home & I had a huge room downstairs converted into a sort of "workshop",where I could crank up the tunes & paint & build junk. My dog would come down & start snoring loudly on the bed in the spare room adjacent to the room I used to paint in & I'd have to keep turning the music louder & louder. I'm certain that the louder I turned up the music,the louder he'd snore. lol He'd wake up the second I get up to go upstairs,and I'd look at him & say...
"Do you realize,puppy that YOU are even louder than Chester Bennington when he you????"
Of course he'd look at me like I was an idiot (rightfully so) and then yawn at me.
So...I really have no idea as to why I am sharing all this nonsense with you people,so ummm.yeah..imma go now.