I know what you mean about that lightning feeling. Dave (my husband) and I knew each other through friends and would see each other from time to time. I always thought he had a nice smile and pretty eyes. But he lived away at college. Anyhow when we first really started talking and getting to know each other and decided to take the next step, I had the lightning, kind of this feel's right feeling.
I am sure he will be happy to see you and not run. If he does that, tell me. I'm not that far from Canada. I will drive up, dumpster dive at a Tim Hortons. I will give everyone at the airport stale donuts. We will throw them at him as he walks off the plane!
I pray this works out well for you two. You guys crack me up in here. Especially when you said he'd have to be the pretty one. That's funny. But you never know were you might meet someone and usually it's when you least expect it.
Thank you for sharing how you and your sweetheart met and fell in love/got struck by lightning, dear sister!!!

Oh, that is an awesome plan, Dear Mama Fenner!!!

Thank you so much for your support!!! XD I'm sure Descyple already got the message

But if said stale donuts comes in his favorite flavor, he might actually enjoy getting pelleted by those donuts!!! XD
Thank you so much for your sweet prayer of well wishes for us!!!

It's been a delight sharing to all of you our crazy ideas. But yes, he's the prettier one of us two

(i don't think i even come close!!! XD).
So true

All this is totally unexpected!!! And totally different from anything i've been in in the past. Everything just feels so comfortable, natural. Peaceful, and worry-free

I'm not used to it XD my past was totally messed up. I'm still lost for words when i think about now, to be honest XD all the same, i am more than grateful to Papa GOD for all that HE has done for us