Fixed your post for you Max.
I'm guessing "Kara Oke Solo" must be a related to Han

(especially if she carries a good blaster by her side.)
Actually Kara was Han and Leia's third child, the one they don't much like to talk about. While the two older siblings were carrying on their parents' work of repeatedly saving the galaxy from various bad people who wanted to own it, Kara pursued a career as a pop music star. She had a few catchy songs that went on the charts, her highest ranking being "Tatooine Dreams" which peaked at #3, despite critics observing she had never even been to Tatooine and could not possibly know anything about it. After her pop music career declined she tried being a movie star, but she was about as good an actor as Elvis - like him, she couldn't act so they had her sing all her lines. She never had any big movie hits though, and the public soon forgot about her.
She was briefly married to the politician Trax Du'thor, until she found out he was an aspiring Sith Lord who never made it at the Dark Side academy on Korriban because he wasn't strong enough in the Force. She quickly divorced him and never married again, despite having many boyfriends since.
Kara currently lives in a small mansion on Naboo where she battles alcoholism and age. She still makes an appearance at movie premieres, but nobody is quite sure if she thinks it is expected of her or if she just doesn't want to be completely forgotten.