ac()()ally ()he "O" key works fine S()illy

I wonder what'll happen when your parentheses key dies...
I'm back, everyone.

I feel like I'm ready to come back. I think I just needed to get through the holidays. I'm feeling a lot better, though I still have many stress factors in life, such as future dental work that will probably be discussed Wednesday, such as baby teeth removal. I know. Ridiculous. But it's an issue I've had all my life. Gums that doesn't let my teeth come very loose (the running joke is, at least I'll have all my teeth at 70.

). Thank God it's only two then after that I should be set. I doubt my wisdom teeth will be needing removal. I just pray that maybe God will work a miracle for me and will let my baby teeth come out naturally...
School's working out much better for me, got a lot of work done last week and I plan to get lots done tomorrow. I'm hoping I'll be able to finish school by February, then focus on getting a job by Springtime.
I got asked to do praise and worship for the small church I'm helping out with. And I let the pastor know I said yes. I already help out with their youth group's praise and worship, and I think doing both will help immensely (right now they just play along with a CD).
That's all, folks.