Yeah, I had to have fun with that. The news report said we might get some snow last night. Not sure if we did, as I didn't stay up long enough to find out. And so this morning when my area was said to be 22, and then I see a post that said someone else was 33, I was like, wait, what? But happy now, weather is about 38, so we might actually get to the predicted 40's for the day, unlike the other day, when we were suppose to be 65. This little TX girl is happy she don't have to deal with snow, or the cold. I do not do well in that kinda weather. Strange how one loves it as a kid, but then when they become an adult, yep, not so much.
(And yes I do know what real snow looks like, as the area I grew up in actually did get snow, real snow that you could make snowmen with. Hey, there really are parts of TX that gets snow, contrary to popular belief. And way more then 2 inches, although, depending on the time of year, maybe not much more.

I learned a new word... my day is complete!