The definition isn't bad. It's basically when someone brings Jesus into a conversation out of no where and it happens to make them look super holy and the other person not so holy. The name is what really gets to me. This article is a better also explains where the term "juke" comes from.
My thoughts...: the 'Jesus-Juke'
Hmmm...Jesus juke. I had to read that blog entry just to get an idea what the term meant. Its a totally new term to me. Totally.

So I'm slowly getting my head round the idea. I remember walking home with a lady I had grown up with. We met by chance in the business district and decided to walk home together. This was like 25 years ago. I had just picked up the latest copy of Newsweek which carried a cover article on the big question of alien life in the universe. I think the cover said "Is there life out there?" or something similar. She was a devout Jehovah's Witness so after some small talk she looked at the cover and said, "Hmm. Life in the universe."
I think I answered that I hadn't read it yet as i had just picked up the copy.
She then said, "I know someone who came from space, Jesus."
To be honest I was annoyed. I think my look said it all
"Seriously? This is your opening? Your 'pawn to king 4?'"
Don't get me wrong I was a Christian back then, but I didn't feel like getting into a heated debate that day (I knew this girl well - we were friends). So I the look I gave her parked that conversation there and then.