I'm actually a stickler for good grammar. I admire well written passages of writing. They just sound better to my virtual ears and they seem to convey messages in a more polished tone. When someone writes an article using bad grammar it irks me and makes me wonder how that person ever became a journalist.
On the other hand, I can always tell when someone simply has limited english speaking skills. That doesn't bother me because I know they are doing their best. It's when someone ain't be doing their grammar right and all that gets me.
I’m a writer. I cannot help but notice mistakes in almost every post on the forums. Not only misspellings, but also grammatical errors such as misplaced commas, colons, apostrophes, semicolons, dashes, and quotation marks; incomplete sentences; dangling participles and modifiers; incorrect comparisons; and a plethora of wrongly used or nonexistent words.
I have worked in business marketing and advertising for over 30 years. Editing has been a significant aspect of the job. When targeting an executive level prospect, using proper grammar is essential. A perceptive businessperson must provide exemplary business correspondence, use appropriate phone communication, and be effective and accurate in letter writing.
But just as most people come home from work and kick off their shoes and throw a pair of sweat pants on, I throw grammar skills aside when I come onto CC. It doesn’t matter to me if someone uses slang, misspells words, or doesn’t know the difference between they’re, there or their. It certainly doesn’t make me feel superior to recognize mistakes. In fact, I feel more at ease with folks who
don’t make an issue of it.
I try to write on the forums as if I’m talking face to face with people. All kinds of people. I don’t wanna worry about impressing them with impeccable grammar, nor do I wanna make it my aim to correct their free speech. There is no all-or-nothing way of communicating to me. That’s too extreme... and it sounds too much like
I’m just thankful that I can be free to be myself with friends here who accept me as I am and am so grateful for the awesome people with whom I can fellowship in the liberty and love of Jesus Christ! Ya know?