I'm back on track with getting the planner I want to create, done. Whether it's the fast track, or the slow track, I have no clue. I'm pretty sure it's the slow one. I did get referred to a graphic artist, ny someone here on Cc, so that might be helpful. I still don't know yet. I also don't know how much this person will charge me, for making this how I need it to be made.
I was telling my husband about all the things I need in a planner, and he asked me why I don't just get different planners for each thing I needed, instead of carrying around one, huge one... I don't think he realizes that he basically just gave me permission to have 6 different planners, and 3 special notebooks. 9 planners in all, if you think of the notebooks as planners... He may have just created a monster.
Lucky for him, I know we can't afford that right now, so I haven't even bought one, and I'm still trying to put my own together. Maybe I can start blogging again soon, and when I have my house (getting closer, btw), I can also start the business I wanted to start, so we'll have that extra income.