on my drive to work, i was remembering my senior year in high school. dad lost his job. i remember being angry with God because i was about to graduate from high school, and dad wasn't working.
i applied for a nice scholarship, but i knew from the beginning competition was tough. i turned in the application in february. in may, i got a letter saying i was a semi-finalist. i worked that summer to save up money. i honestly didn't know how i was going to pay for college. dad was still unemployed. one summer day, while i was at work, i called him to say i wanted chicken for lunch (after work). turned out, right before i called, he was outside with the dog. she found $20 in the lawn. we had lunch money
i kept planning to move to school even though i didn't have enough money. early august, i got a letter in the mail saying i was a finalist for the scholarship i applied for in february. i was relieved to know that i had help for my first year. 2nd year, we will figure it out. during my 1st semester, all the finalist for the scholarship were invited to a conference in L.A. with all expenses paid, so i went! lol. there i found out my scholarship could be renewed up to 5 yrs. my college education is paid for.
as i was thinking about all this during my drive, i looked at my rearview mirror. i saw the sunrise.