This is why I really wanted to open up a discussion about the internet and ask people what their experiences were. It is fascinating!
Internet forums (and CC) are a place where people you’d never know of or interact with, get a chance to take the soapbox and share their opinions.
That’s all well and good and in fact that is really the purpose of it all – to facilitate such communication.
Since this is a Christian site, which covers a plethora of things, people genuinely do come here to seek answers or guidance related to matters of God. It is not just a “biking forum” or a “harry potter club”.
People bring the deepest issues that they can have and share it on here.
THAT is completely all right.
It is also completely all right that some half insane, no training in counseling or formal education and even Scriptural knowledge person posts advice – some of which borders on breaking up families.
It is up to the person asking after all, to take that input.
So the most anyone can do is call for discernment, point out such behaviors and pepper a very interesting discussion with personal anecdotes.
Then again, you never know when a nut will explode and just cause a ruckus about all of it !
[Unfortunately that took place, and I really hope the mods look into it and see if they can facilitate such a discussion.]
This is also another psychologically interesting aspect.
I don’t know about all of you – when there’s a disagreement and I don’t care for a person – I just click the “X” button.
It’s amazing how people can go from 0 to crazy about many of these things. Just from conversations with a lot of people and also observing some of these posts – some of these people might come across as so absolutely holy and “normal”.
They just drip with so much piety and have no problems correcting others for such and such act but their reactions to any form of dissent or anything that they perceive that would shake their online identity just exposes so much insanity!
It’s just weird. It’s like a last ditch effort in some web of manipulation? Maybe the people who are better versed in psychology might be able to pinpoint some of this.
[Again so glad, I am not interacting with any of them]
Ok. Streams of Thoughts – out - steps off the soapbox
