LOL! Thank you Lynx, That was an awesome way to start my time on CC today. My family are lucky I don't have a baseball bat at my disposal.
You guys are so sweet! I love all of you!
Honestly, it doesn't sound like much, to just say you're praying for someone, but it means a lot to me. You can't do anything, so who better to ask to help me, than the one who can help me the most? Your prayers are appreciated, very much, Jen. Thank you!
Today has been a lot better than the rest of the week has been. Tomorrow, I have a crew of people from church, coming to put my septic system in!

Then I have to wait until Monday-ish to call the person who's supposed to make sure it's all put together correctly. Then, whenever they get out here, we can bury it.
We have to wait for the canal to empty, before I can get water, but right after water is done, we can move my house! Then power gets put in, in a day. Gas doesn't have to be put in right away, I have a wood-burning stove that can do all the work propane would do for me, but we can get that fairly quickly as well. There is a very high likelihood, that this can get done before November even hits! Of course, set backs are likely as well. But with God's help, they won't be major set backs.