Yes, I actually do Gabe. And I'm afraid it's the same case as you. My faith is growing weak and things are getting bad within me It's a struggle and I'm constantly trying to avoid confronting it. Idk how to say it clearly without breaking down. I'm getting tired and weary. :/
Somebody please pray for us. T_T

/ ...
Now you listen up, my sweet old friend and sister!
There'll be none of that downer stuff've done tooo much in the past to lift THIS brother up, whether by your music or post, so it's my turn to do the same if I can, (though you do NOT want to hear me sing, lol) and so I will pray, and also for my old friend zero, and it's nice to see shiney (hi) and especially too, for the nicest blue orchid ever, blueorchidjd!!!
You KNOW, these downer notes are coming from the enemy, and you KNOW Jesus don't want you paying any attention to that lying loser, who only wants to drag us down to that pit that was only designed for him, so let's go to the throne of grace.....boldly.....just as the Lord wants us to, and ask him to help in this time of need.....
Father in heaven, We thank you, Lord, that we have access to Your throne of grace because Jesus paid the way for us, the curtain was ripped in two, from top to bottom, our names are written in heaven, and that old serpent has no hold on us anymore, THANK YOU, JESUS!
So Father, please bless our sisters Abigail and Jacquie, also shineyKatey and our brother ZT, know each and every one of us and you know each and every situation and you know each and every need, and we thank you, Lord, that you supply ALL of our needs according to your riches in glory by Christ Jesus our Lord.
Lord, since you've given us the gift of eternal life, and you didn't hold back, but you gave the best of yourself in Jesus, so truly, no thing is too hard for you, Lord, so please, do your mighty work in our lives.....hold these beautiful susters close and strengthen them by the power of your love, and also we lift up ZT, and anyone else here who's reading this and needs encouragement.
Lord, thank for your promise to never leave us or forsake us, please fill us afresh with your Holy Spirit and the joy of your salvation.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for all our brothers and sisters in Christ,
bless them richly, and guard all our hearts and minds from the tricks of the enemy that you've already won the victory over and given to us, Hallelujah!
Thank you, Father God, for your wonderful love, in Jesus' name. Amen.
