I'm just streaming thoughts but i've always been sensitive to horro content growing up, I remember terror in the wax museum, which came on tv when I was 10, made me so scared I couldn't hardly go downstairs, where my sister and I slept in our different bedrooms, while mom and dad slept upstairs. Many a scared nights. Maybe, that's why God gave me a kitty (for 10 years) starting in 4th grade, died during my freshman year in college from kidney failure. Long-haired cat, he was told, silly bugger, still love that ball of fur.

But, yeah, zombies....
in 8th grade, I saw Day of the Dead whatever movie was made around 1982). Kind of. I was at a friend of a friend's house and I remember I started watching it and something came over me, I couldn't watch it and just covered my eyes and ears in my pillow and went to sleep. I just say that because, to me, not sure about other 14 year old kids but, yeah, scared me crazy badly.
I was listening to catherdersheepfrenchhorner talking about dressing up as a zombie for something and that is something our college dorm did, a Haunted House. Our male-students-only dorm used our school's student union building as a haunted house. We really creeped it up, too ! I helped do black and, of course, green streamers and red paint stuff fixings. Blood, gore, creatures, including, at least one zombie, in this mix of half-human, all human, all zombie costumed, made-up folk. I know of, one zombie in it I remember, yeah, like rache pictured--by the way, a little more green color, maybe, on OUR zombie host.
But yeah, rache, nice blood, and whiteness, milady, is that AB+ blood

But, yeah, this crazy green red-splotched, goop-scarred, crazy-looking dead person would growl right at the beginning of the maze that led the people who stood in a loooong line outside the haunted house, to the opening macabe scene--chainsaw-garbed doctors, and the such.
In a raspy voice, this hunched over, arms straight out, zombie person would say , 'Follow me. Follow me. Yissss, yissss, folloow me, follow me, I will keep you safe. I willl, yes, yes. Yisssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. "
People would say things to the zombie, like, 'Is this OK to go through, it sounds ghastly (blood-curdling screams going on) but the Zombie would say, 'Just follow me. Just follooooooooooow meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.' Raspy. Say. Short breaths. Oh, by the way, yeah, yeah, you guessed it, the zombie was meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Then, before I let go of their hands, leading them, I would say something like, 'Noooo, don't go. What did I do?' WHAT DID I DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.'
And, then, I broke my grip, sometimes had to, I scared them soooo much, and, walked my way, saying, 'you must folllow through'
The Lord leads. I know that if I did this kind of thing again, and, pretty sure, I didn't do this, but, as julieannie said about we should be 'different,' I think, yes, I would say things like, 'You do believe in God, don't you?' as I raspily talked to them, leading them through to the first scene, which was about a 10 second walk. I had a big part LOL, I must have led half the town of Spokane through that thing, but, God is good, it was fun to use that 'gift' God let me be that night