Yeah, apparently when you hit 40, fashion dictates that women are old, and must cut their hair to at least mid shoulder. Shorter is even better, because only young women look good with long hair.
FOUL! I call foul on fashion! (I would call a lot of other things but I don't use those words since I became a christian... But then I and fashion parted ways years ago because fashion thought I was a nerd and I thought fashion was totally crazy.) Who said 40+ have to cut their hair short? My Grandma looks good - or she would if she ever let her hair down, but she keeps it up in a bun. But when she takes it down to redo it, for that one moment she looks good.
Oh, yes, brother. I despise Maths with a passion. So you could probably call me a geek.
Olerica, thanks, sister. I'm more of a Star Wars fan than a Star Trek fan, but I'm familiar with the saying, just not with the Omega symbol meaning 'resistance'.
If you have never played KOTOR you're not really a Star Wars fan.
McDonald's has salads now? lol, I think they would still find a way to make it unhealthy
They do have salads, and they are unhealthy. And believe it or else... I mean believe it or not, fried chicken is better than grilled chicken on a salad. The "fillet" of grilled chicken is not a whole chicken fillet. It's bits of meat and fat that have been pressed into the shape of a chicken fillet, with (according to the ingredients list on the box) up to 17% of a water/salt/spice/rice starch mix added.
Look, forget the chicken entirely. Just have a nice side salad.
By the way, did you ever notice if you flip one initial in Bruce Wayne over, you get the initials for Batman? BW, BM. I have been waiting DECADES for some Hollywood producer to notice this and make a scene where it shows Bruce Wayne on the screen, then the W flips, rotates for a bit, then comes to rest as an M.