Had to play at all three services this morning, since the organist is on vacation. Tired, but happy.
Set timer to 15 minutes and worked in the kitchen: unload dishwasher, rinse other dishes and load, hand wash the wine glasses and french press, semi-clean/wipe down the counters and set the glassware on a cloth to dry, clear table of apple/pear pie debris. **ding**
Set timer for another 15 minutes, but work in another room so I don't get bored: fold clothes, organize dresser a bit, hang more clothes, begin organizing linen closet... **ding**
Strip bed and am throw sheets in wash with other coloreds. I don't count this as part of a 15 minute chore session because the machine is doing all the work. I wonder what other people who hate housework do to motivate themselves into doing it?
Gonna play a video game from Christmas, then when it's time to put clothes in dryer, will probably take a nap. After that, reward myself for being somewhat productive and treat myself to some studio time to work on some stained glass! Yay!