Nice day, went to mom's , was birthday dinner, sister, significant other, there 3 kids there too, we all went to one of those hibachi grill places, my niece of 3 age wanted to sit by her uncle, I teased her well, kept tapping her on her opposite shoulder and then looking that way as she looked at me. The moment she would look the other way, I would say, 'Made you look. Made you look.'
She is quite the girl, OH, that's right, she's 4 now, I get things mixed up, her sister is a beautiful singer, age 7, she just makes up songs as we are driving to restaurant, quite the poetic voice in that niecee of mine.
After hibachi, we went back to mom's place and ate cake and right before we ate the cake, the 7 year old wanted to do a show and she did , singing happy birthday song to uncle and sweetly saying she loved her mom and dad and brother, and, little sister. Then , her little sister wanted to sing uncle a song too so she just got up there and did things and I didn't think of recording my 7 year old niece's nice singing show but I did the younger's and will list it here tomorrow if all goes according to plan

The Lord leads.
Inidependence, especially at a young age, especially as a girl, can be something that's hard to understand but going out there by faith and trusting in God will be big news , to God . And, guys do, indeed, like girls who are taking care of themselves, it doesn't matter to most either what they make , they will be willing to take on a girl like that. Following the Lord into a situation like that can be one of the most harrowing experiences of faith a young person will face . But, that kind of growth gets one ready for so much in life and an understanding of Him all the more being known in his/her life

The Lord leads

" follow Me."