Last night after work I started having flu-like symptoms: Headache, soreness, fatigue. Plus, I had on a hoodie and 3 blankets and still couldn't get warm; feverish. The house was the same temperature it was always at and I'm normally hot-blooded.
I got 9 hours of sleep. Sweated off and broke my fever. Got up this morning to go to work and was super weak. Texted my supervisor that I would be coming in late. Slept another few hours. Made myself get up and get ready for work. I was quite pale (well, more so than normal

). But there were things I needed to get done, and I still feel behind, especially since I was out Monday as well. My supervisor understands me being out, said I could be out all day if I needed to. But I haaaate missing work, even for a good reason.
My stomach has been bothering me all day. I got to work and was going to get a Powerade from the cafe to help replenish my body, but the cafe was closed due to the company serving Thanksgiving lunch. So instead, I got a Mt. Dew from the soda machine (no Powerades in the machine). I thought it was supposed to be good for the tummy, but that's actually Sprite or Ginger Ale...Mt. Dew definitely did nothing for me. So, today I have had a small bowl of cereal, half a Mt. Dew, and maybe 6 Wheat Thin crackers. I'm forcing myself to eat tomato soup for supper. It's like I'm hungry, but I don't want to eat and I don't feel like eating.
I *know* I'm sick when I don't feel like eating.
The things I probably should eat to help my tummy I do not have. My roommate and I are low on groceries and don't want to buy more since we won't be in this house much longer, and I do not feel well enough or strong enough to go to a grocery store.
I'm glad it is this week, though, and not next week. Next week I travel for Thanksgiving and also do the big move-in to my new house.
Anyway. I feel like all I do is complain here. Sorry, guys.